Strength Skill:
- Jerks (2 sets of 5, 3 sets of 1)
A work in progress.
A classic.
5 rounds for time:
- 5 deadlifts (205 pounds for me -- RXed is 275, but at that weight, it's unlikely I'd get more than a few reps off the ground)
- 10 burpees
In fact, the last time I did this workout, I was beaten by 2 seconds by the one other person in class that day. And she's a small Asian girl.
With another four months of CrossFit under my belt, I figured I'd easily beat my old time (though I wasn't certain I could beat Small Asian Girl -- she's surprisingly strong/fast). When the clock started, I exploded out of the gate, quickly building a lead in front of my four classmates. I took a few breaks here and there -- my burning thighs made the burpees particularly uncomfortable -- but felt like I was speeding along. And I was the first to complete all five founds, with Small Asian Girl just a few seconds behind me. My other three classmates took another minute or so to finish. Even the Terminator. I felt good.
But then I looked over at the clock. 6:18. Forty-five seconds slower than my previous time.
Not good. I should have taken fewer and/or shorter breaks. I should have done all the deadlift sets uninterrupted. This wasn't a long workout; I didn't need breathers. I should have treated this WOD like Fran -- a race to the finish. Perhaps I should have re-watched the Spealler video for inspiration before diving in.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
Next time I do this? No breaks.