Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Round 3 / Day 102: CrossFit - Jerks

Okay -- I think I'm done pretending I'm going to focus on recovery this week. We're heading off on vacation soon, and I'll have plenty of time for R&R. Today, I decided to squeeze in another CrossFit workout.

On the menu this morning:

Warm-Up: I rowed 1000 meters, did some push-ups, and tried to learn how to crank out some kipping pull-ups:

Jerks: 3 sets of 5 reps, followed by 3 sets of 3 reps. It took some practice, but I finally managed to do them with plates on the bar.

Metcon: Today's ass-kicker consisted of 3 circuits of the following: 400-meter run, 21 ring presses, and 12 deadlifts (I only lifted weights equal to my bodyweight) -- all for time. I finished in 11:03, which ain't as great as I'd hoped.

I'm ready for tomorrow's 5 a.m. beat-down, provided I can make it out of bed in the morning.