You know the thing that keeps most guys from doing yoga? It's not just the perception that yoga is "weird" or "new age-y" or "girly." It's the fact that yoga mats aren't printed to look like basketball courts.
Or football fields.
Or weirdly rectangular baseball diamonds.
Thankfully, Kent Katich -- real-life husband of George Lopez's TV wife, owner of All Sport Yoga and "yoga guru of the NBA" -- is marketing these desperately-needed goods to those unwilling to give yoga a shot without making damn clear to others (and themselves) that they're doing Downward Dogs only because Dirk Fucking Nowitzki does 'em. I can't wait for the NASCAR version, because my kids'll also be able to use my mat when they're playing with their Hot Wheels.
I have to give Katich credit: Making accessories for yogaphobes is a great business idea. Don't tell anyone, but I have an idea for découpaging photos of Chuck Liddell, B.J. Penn and Rampage Jackson to yoga blocks and selling them to MMA fans secretly yearning to do sun salutations.