Strength Skill:
- Strict Pull-ups (5-5-5)
- Kipping Pull-ups (10-10-10)
I enjoy pull-ups, so this was a pleasant way to start the morning. At Tim's suggestion, I finished by practicing some chest-to-bar pull-ups. They felt a little awkward at first, but got a lot easier once I wrapped my thumbs around the top of the bar.
2 rounds for time:
- 22 see-saw presses (45lbs / 30lbs)
- Run 400 meters
- 22 box jumps (24" / 20")
- Run 400 meters
Back when we last did this workout in August, I wrote that 35-pound dumbbells were too light for me. So today, I hoisted a pair of 40-pound dumbbells -- and ended up finishing almost two minutes slower than I did a few months ago.
Result: 13:06.