Finally, at 11 p.m., my phone buzzed with a Twitter message from Tim: "Go to bed. Got a good one tomorrow."
Don't we always?
The 5 a.m. workout, after the jump.
Strength Skill:
- Zercher Squats (2 sets of 3, 3 sets of 1)
That's what I get for being fuzzy-headed and weak from lack of sleep. What a dope.
For time:
- 50 double-unders
- 4 burpees
- 40 double-unders
- 6 burpees
- 30 double-unders
- 8 burpees
- 20 double-unders
- 16 burpees
- 10 double-unders
- 20 burpees
Good thing I came prepared. I grabbed my lucky rope out of my gym bag. (Yes, it travels with me now.) The box's ropes are fine, but I like bringing my own -- it's sized appropriately, and it doesn't have any frayed metal fibers that might snag on my clothing. Plus, it's a slightly heavier rope, which -- for whatever reason -- just feels better. It may not be quite as fast, but I've found it easier to slip into the right tempo when I'm using my rope.
Or maybe I'm just superstitious. Hey -- whatever works, right?
Given that my double-under breakthrough came just a few weeks ago, I figured the jump-rope portion of today's workout would be the rate-limiting step. But I was pleasantly surprised: I got through all the double-unders with relative ease. Although I got tripped up a few times during the middle set (of 30 reps), the other sets flew by.
After getting gassed by the double-unders, though, the burpees were hell on earth. I don't think I managed to string together more than four burpees in a row without stopping for looooong pauses to knead my thighs and gasp for air. It felt like someone took a baseball bat to my legs.
But Tim was right. It was a good one. And the whole thing took less than ten minutes.
Result: 9:42 as RXed.