During our warmups in class this morning, I managed to do a few push-ups from my palms for the first time in months (huzzah!), which made me think I could join the rest of the class in practicing barbell cleans.
No dice. A single rep with an empty bar was all I managed before my wrist started screaming bloody murder at me. (On the plus side: It's not screaming quite as loudly as it did just a couple of weeks ago.)
So: I practiced kettlebell cleans instead. Again. (I'm tired of kettlebell cleans. Can you tell?)
I had to lay off the barbell for today's metcon, too, which consisted of 7 rounds of:
- 7 thrusters (75lbs / 55lbs)
- 7 sumo deadlift high pulls (75lbs / 55lbs)
- 7 burpees
Result: 11:38.
I'm not happy that this wrist is taking forever to heal. But I recognize that my recovery's taking longer than expected because I've been stupidly trying to do more than I should. I only have myself to blame. Argh. Self-knowledge drives me crazy.