Good thing, too -- given the ass-kicking workout in store for us today. (And I mean that in the best possible way.)
Strength Skill:
- Strict Presses (2 sets of 5, 3 sets of 3)
But if this kid can do 'em, what's my excuse?
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
- 10 renegade rows (the RX'ed workout calls for two 53-pound kettlebells, but I opted for a pair of 35-pound dumbbells instead)
- 10 walking lunges (holding the same pair of dumbbells)
- 30 plyo box jumps (20" box)
Although today's metcon was a barn-burner (and the lunges made my quads want to scream), I loved it. Plyo box jumps are just plain fun. There's nothing like hopping up and down on stuff like a crazed jackrabbit on meth.
Result: 5 rounds plus 10 renegade rows and 10 walking lunges. I was hoping to complete the sixth round before time ran out, but didn't quite manage to do it. Still, I'm pretty happy with my time, and can't wait to do this one again.
I felt great today -- both before and after the workout. I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that I finally got some quality shut-eye last night. Which begs the question: Why am I still up and blogging instead of going to bed?