- Runner's Pose
- Chair Salutations with Prayer Twist
- Balance Lunges
- Wide Grip Pull-Ups (there's no pull-up bar in the fitness center here, so I actually did these on a lat pull-down machine)
- Decline Push-Ups
- Squat Reach Jumps
- Alternating Shoulder Presses
- Side Hip Raises
- Reverse Grip Pull-Ups (again, done on a lat pull-down machine)
- Diamond Push-Ups
- Run Stance Squats
- Corkscrew Curls
- Step Back Lunges
- Heavy Pants
- Plyo Push-Ups
- Jump Knee Tucks
- Squat X-Presses
- Lawnmowers
- Side-to-Side Push-Ups
- Run Squat 180 Jump Switches
- Chair Dips
- Calf Raises
- Elbows-Out Lawnmowers
- Steam Engines
- Towel Hoppers
- Oblique V-Ups
- Mason Twists
Friday, November 13, 2009
Vacation: A Little Bit of Everything (Except Kenpo X)
For a quick-and-dirty, mix-and-match, do-it-yourself workout, the P90X Fitness Guide is a good place to get started. I used it to put together a one-hour, full-body exercise routine today, which consisted of several exercises from each P90X DVD (except Kenpo X, of which I think you all know my opinion):