Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday's Workout

A great one today.

Strength Skill:
  • Kettlebell Cleans & Presses (5-5-5-5-5)

Still love these, even though I could still use some a lot of practice. I slowly worked my way up to a 24 kilogram kettlebell without compromising my form, but I think I'm going to stick with 16 or 20 kilograms at home for now.


As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
  • 6 pistols
  • 9 pull-ups
  • 12 overhead kettlebell swings (24kg / 16kg)
I was tempted to do all the pistols with my right leg per usual, but decided against it. My left leg needs the practice, and besides, I'd prefer to be moderately sore in both butt cheeks than to be extremely sore on one side.

Result: 6 rounds + 8 reps as RXed.