Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday's Workout

Is it possible that we've never done Elizabeth in class before? I combed through my blog archives, but can't find any mention of having previously done this workout. It's probably for the best, though, 'cause this crap was intense.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. First, we did Zercher Squats. I tried my damnedest to hit a new PR today, but fell just short when I realized I couldn't get up out of my squat during my final rep. The Zerchers had felt fine up to about 200 pounds, but once I got past that point, I struggled mightily, and ultimately had to dump the bar. Next time...!

Then, as I mentioned above, we tackled Elizabeth as our metcon workout today:
  • 21 cleans (135# / 95#)
  • 21 ring dips
  • 15 cleans (135# / 95#)
  • 15 ring dips
  • 9 cleans (135# / 95#)
  • 9 ring dips

Before the workout began, I practiced cleaning 135 pounds. It was totally doable, but I had to be honest with myself: There was no way I had enough gas in my tank today to speedily rip out 45 reps. I opted instead for a 115 barbell.

When the clock started, I quickly cranked out a dozen or so cleans before stopping, but once I did, I had trouble regaining my momentum. The ring dips were even worse; I never did more than 8 in a row today -- and more often than not, I was struggling through one or two at a time.

Still, I couldn't have asked for a better workout to slap my sleep-deprived face and tell me to get to work.

Result: 9:36