If you have some extra coins rattling around in your pocket, please consider making a donation to support my Fight Gone Bad fundraising efforts.
This year, the nonprofits who stand to benefit from your donations are The Special Operations Warrior Foundation and the CrossFit Foundation.
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides full scholarship grants and educational and family counseling to the surviving children of special operations personnel who die in operational or training missions. It also provides immediate financial assistance to severely wounded special operations personnel and their families.
And the CrossFit Foundation is focusing its efforts this year on the CrossFit Kids ISR Swim Program. The goal this year is to contribute $1 million through Fight Gone Bad to prevent accidental childhood drownings.
As you may remember, "Fight Gone Bad" isn't just about raising money, of course. It also involves a butt-kicking seventeen-minute CrossFit workout -- one that prompted UFC champ B.J. Penn to remark: "That was like a fight gone bad." It looks like this:
Rotate through five stations, spending one minute at each:
- Wall ball shots (20lbs / 14lbs), 10 foot target. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
- Sumo deadlift high pulls (75lbs / 55 lbs). Each rep is scored as 1 point.
- Box jumps (20″ box). Each rep is scored as 1 point.
- Barbell push-presses (75lbs / 55 lbs). Each rep is scored as 1 point.
- Calorie row. Each calorie burned (according to the monitor) is scored as 1 point.
Rest one minute, and then repeat the five stations. Rest another minute, and then repeat all the stations again, for a total of three rounds.
Last year, as a rookie CrossFitter, I kind of sucked at this, and I'm determined to do better this time around. On September 17, M and I will join the CrossFit Palo Alto community in a big sweat-fest, all in the hopes of raising as much as we can for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and the CrossFit Foundation.
I know times are tough, and that it's hard to spare any change these days. But these causes could certainly use your help. If you can, please pledge a few bucks (even just one dollar!) by clicking here or the button below. My current fundraising goal is modest, but I'd love to meet (and even exceed) it.
Thank you in advance, and I promise not to interrupt the regularly scheduled programming with any more requests for charitable giving. (That is, until next year.)