Strength Skill:
- Front Squats (3 sets of 3, 2 sets of 1)
50-40-30-20-10 of
- Double Unders
- Abmat Sit-Ups
Didn't happen. At all.
My first round of double-unders were an unmitigated disaster. For whatever reason, I couldn't bust out more than 3 or 4 reps before getting myself tangled in the rope. And the harder I tried to force it, the more frustrated I got -- and the harder it was to get into any kind of rhythm. As my impatience took over, my suckage got even suckier. Getting through my first set of double-unders took FOREVER.
The sit-ups were fine. But then it was back to more double-unders. And my second round with the jump rope -- while slightly better than the first -- wasn't exactly pretty, either.
Thankfully, I made up some time during the third round. Maybe it's because I finally settled into a groove, or perhaps I was looser 'cause I was tired, but I got through the third set of double-unders pretty much unbroken. But it was too little, too late.
Result: 12:12 as RXed. Better than last time, but not good enough. My goal is to one day finish Annie within spitting distance of Kyle, who killed this workout in 8:23 this morning. Sick, right?