- Running/walking outside,
- Joining a "local no-frills gym,"
- Working out with fitness DVDs and/or shows on the Exercise TV channel,
- Taking advantage of free passes to local gyms, and
- Setting up a home gym with used equipment.
- A $75 stair machine,
- A $145 weight bench with “great hex dumbbells,”
- A $450 treadmill "outfitted with a laptop stand for Web browsing," and
- A $15 exercise bike.
But given that the "Bucks" blog is supposed to help readers "Mak[e] the Most of [Their] Money," shouldn't it have pointed out that Thibeault wasted his $685?
After all, cardio equipment is unnecessary; in fact, chronic cardio is ineffective and counterproductive. And if you're on a budget, why bother with dumbbells when you can just lift your bodyweight? (Oh, right: So you can do endless bicep curls and triceps extensions in front of a mirror.)
A tip for Mr. Thibeault: If you really want to maximize your fitness while minimizing costs, sell off the stuff in your "Craigslist gym" (fine -- you can keep the dumbbells), and reallocate a small fraction of the proceeds to the purchase of a good jump rope ($10After all, cardio equipment is unnecessary; in fact, chronic cardio is ineffective and counterproductive. And if you're on a budget, why bother with dumbbells when you can just lift your bodyweight? (Oh, right: So you can do endless bicep curls and triceps extensions in front of a mirror.)
Don't like that option? Here's another: Get yourself a kettlebell and use it.
Either way, you'll save another $600, free up valuable space in your house, and whip yourself into shape more efficiently and effectively than you ever will by TRUDGING ALONG ON A TREADMILL WHILE SURFING THE WEB.