Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday's Workout

It's muggy here on Maui today. Perfect for a sweat-tastic workout.

Warm Up:
2 rounds:3 minutes jump rope
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 30 lunges
Strength Skill:
  • Overhead Squats (5 sets of 5)
Holy hell -- I'm weak. Granted, this is the first time I've practiced this move outside of a metcon, but even overhead squatting 65 pounds on the barbell was super-challenging. I felt like toppling over every time I descended into the squat, and had to force myself to focus on not turning my knees inward on each ascent. More practice is definitely needed.


For time:
  • 15 Clean & Jerks
  • 15 Plyo Box Jumps
  • 12 Clean & Jerks
  • 12 Plyo Box Jumps
  • 9 Clean & Jerks
  • 9 Plyo Box Jumps
This was a dead sprint. Result: 2:34.

Cash Out:

And I'm done!